// Lesotho's RBC Model: Indivisible Domestic and Exported Labour % ************************************************************************* % PhD Thesis Work by T. Tlelima, % School of Economics, University of Cape Town % Date: 30 July 2009 % The following variables and parameters are defined. // VARIABLES: // Deviations from steady state values. % y = output (gdp); % c = consumption; % x = net exports; % k = capital; % b = foreign claims; % h = total hours of labour; % hd = hours of labour to domestic economy; % hf = hours of labour exports; % r = rate of return on capital; % wd = domestic wage rate; % wf = foreign wage rate; % z = productivity/technology. // Steady State Variables % Ybar = output; % Cbar = consumption; % Xbar = net exports; % Kbar = capital; % Bbar = foreign claims; % Hbar = total hours of labour; % Hdbar = domestic hours of labour; % Hfbar = foreign hours of labour; % Rbar = return on capital; % Wdbar = domestic wage rate; % Wfbar = foreign wage rate; // PARAMETERS OF THE MODEL % alpha1 = disutility of domestic labour parameter; % alpha2 = disutility of foreign labour parameter; % beta = discount factor; % delta = annual rate of depreciation; % theta = share of capital in output; % rstar = interntaional interest rate; % psi = capital adjustment cost parameter; % phi = elasticity of interest rate to external debt; % rhoz = AR(1) coefficient of TP; % rhow = AR(1) coefficient of foreign wage; %************************************************************************** %----------------------------------------------------- % 0. Housekeeping (close graphics windows) %----------------------------------------------------- close all; %----------------------------------------------------- % 1. Define variables % Endogenous (var) and exogenous (varexo) %----------------------------------------------------- var c wd k b r hd x hf y wf z; varexo ez ew; %----------------------------------------------------- % 3. Define parameters and asign parameter values %----------------------------------------------------- parameters alpha1, alpha2, beta, delta, theta, phi, psi, rstar, rhow, rhoz, Cbar, Bbar, Hdbar, Hfbar, Hbar, Kbar, Rbar, Wdbar, Wfbar, Xbar, Ybar; % Setting parameter values; annual frequency is assumed. % Parameter and exogenous variable values alpha1 = -2; alpha2 = 2*alpha1; //disutility of mine labour assumed 2times of domestic labour. beta = 0.95; delta = 0.10; theta = 0.30; //Consistent with SA's reported values im Liu and Gupta 2007 phi = 0.01; psi = 0.028; //Mendoza's value rstar = 0.04; rhow = 0.41; //OLS estimate from detrended real miners earnings. rhoz = 0.41; //Mendoza's average for developing countries in Uribe 2007. % Steady State values Wdbar = 0.94; Wfbar = 1.88; // =Wdbar*alpha2/alpha1; Hdbar = 0.143; Hfbar = 0.190; Hbar = 0.333; Cbar = 0.47; Bbar = -1.0; Kbar = 0.38; Rbar = 0.15; Xbar = -0.31; Ybar = 0.20; %----------------------------------------------------- % 4. Defining the model %----------------------------------------------------- model(linear); /* Model of 9 variables + 2 stochastic processes: {c, k, b, r, wd, x, hf, hd, y} and {wf, z} */ (alpha1-alpha2)*Cbar*c = Wfbar*wf - Wdbar*wd; (1+beta)*psi*Kbar*k = c - c(+1) + beta*Rbar*r(+1)+ beta*psi*Kbar*k(+1) + psi*Kbar*k(-1); beta*phi*Bbar*b = c - c(+1); r = z + (theta-1)*k(-1) + (1-theta)*hd; wd = z + theta*k(-1)- theta*hd ; Xbar*x = Bbar*b -(1+rstar)*Bbar*b(-1) + (2*phi*Bbar^2)*b(-1) - Wfbar*Hfbar*(wf+hf); Wfbar*Hfbar*hf = Bbar*b + Cbar*c + Kbar*k - (1-delta)*Kbar*k(-1) + (2*phi*Bbar^2)*b(-1)-(1+rstar)*Bbar*b(-1)- Wfbar*Hfbar*wf - Ybar*y; //reorganised aggregate resource constraint Hdbar*hd = -Hfbar*hf; y = z + theta*k(-1) + (1-theta)*hd; wf = rhow*wf(-1) + ew; z = rhoz*z(-1) + ez; end; steady; %----------------------------------------------------- % 6. Calibration of Shocks %----------------------------------------------------- shocks; var ew = 0.0015; var ez; stderr 0.04; // Mendoza's. end; %----------------------------------------------------- % 7. Simulation % check command prints eigenvalues %----------------------------------------------------- check; stoch_simul(periods = 2000); %stoch_simul(hp_filter = 1600, periods = 2000);